Welcome ! For a planespotter, the goal is to be on the right day, at the right time, at the right airport, with a nice view on the right runway to catch the rare bird. This website is dedicated to this hobby. The main motivation is to group all pictures together as a collection and to get them available online. Each picture in the collection is a different variant of the planes I was able to spot. The second interest of this website is to easily present my passion to interested persons.
This is where I publish all my pictures. Over the years, some planes pass and repass in front of me, that is why I wanted a different gallery from the collection. Although my main goal remains catching planes, in some cases the frame, the light, ... give a more artistic interest to the pictures. That is why I use Flickr as high-quality gallery. To make sure you won\’t get lost in the thousands of pictures, they are grouped in albums by airports. If you want to see more pictures, have a look there!
Sometimes I travel for planespotting, sometimes I go for planespotting during travels. In any case, I try to edit video footages I recorded on the road in order to create short memory clips. I was lucky to visit or to take plane pictures on the five continents all arround the world and I hope I will make you start backpacking for your own adventures. Whether you are an explorer or just want to experience a spotting trip from the inside, find my travel memories on my Youtube channel.
Planespotters are an unknown community. We are all aviation enthusiasts and no official rules run our hobby. Everyone is free to live it its own way, whether it is the old-fashioned style by listing planes and their registration with binoculars and pens. Or in a more modern way with an artistic touch. When I started planespotting in the 2000s, I was about twelve years old, my budget and resources were then very limited. I cut my teeth by spending my weekends waiting for a possible surprise at my home airport.
Over the years, trips to nearby airports have become more regular. Thanks to new tools that have come to facilitate access to flights information: radios, online radar, social networks ... The catches started to become less random. Today by being autonomous and thanks to contact’s network, we try to anticipate flights of the planes that we need to catch all around the world. Spotting trips become more and more calculated to catch new prey.
If I were quick and good enough, I could have drawn the planes I spotted. But pictures turned out to be the perfect support for the collection. Therefore, to catch an aircraft, in addition to being at the right airport, at the right time, you must be able to take a picture. To do so, you need to find the right spotting place depending on the runway, the taxiway or the planned parking stand. Although the collection is focused on airplanes, pictures tends to follow a few rules to highlight planes: full profile view, sun position, clear frame, ...
This is my personal planespotting point of view. My main goal is to collect all different variants of airplanes, airlines, ... from all over the world. In addition, to occupy our long days along the perimeter fence, I try to catch all airlines fleets. Therefore, I list all registrations. Here you will only find all the variants collection. Each picture published is a different variant of the planes I was able to spot.
Currently online : 2934 aircrafts, from 701 operators, from 150 different countries. The upload is still in progress !
All rights reserved - All pictures published on this website are not free of rights. If you want to use them in a professional context or distribute them, do not hesitate to contact me.
Ludovic Bechler
Current Airports : LYS/GNB/CMF
Home Airport : BSL
© 2020-2022 Out of Trim - Spotting Collection